October 2024
Our paper on clonal multicellularity in haloarchaea is live on BioArxiv. Congrats to Theopi and Olivia for all their hard work.​
September 2024​
Our first rotation students of the school year, Abigail King and Neal Jiwnani, join the lab.
Our paper on a new family of haloarchaeal bactofilins​ is published on PNAS. Congratulations to Zach Curtis (Bisson), Pedro Escudero (Alva), and John Mallon (Bisson) for leading this collaboration with the Alva and Pohlschröder labs.
August 2024​
The lab says goodbye to Theopi Rados as she leaves to start her doctoral studies at Brown University.
Micaela Cerletti leaves after completing a successful collaboration!
July 2024​
Solenne Ithurbide visits to learn more about the wonderful world of haloarchaea
May 2024​
The lab welcomes three new lab technicians: Shiqi Min, Joshua Kiel, and Ellen Chiang.
March 2024​
Tara Vijayakumar joins the lab as our final rotation student of the school year.
February 2024​
The lab welcomes Diorge Souza as our newest post doc!
Micaela Cerletti returns for another adventure in the Bisson Lab.
January 2024​
The Bisson Lab publishes our preprint on a new family of haloarchaeal bactofilins​ on bioRXiv. Congratulations to Zach Curtis (Bisson), Pedro Escudero (Alva), and John Mallon (Bisson) for leading this collaboration with the Alva and Pohlschröder labs.
November 2023
Sarah McCallister joins the Bisson Lab for her second rotation
Our collaborative paper on salactin is published in mBio. Congratulations to John and Theopi for their work!​
October 2023
Dr. Thalia Sass graduates from doctoral candidate to doctor. Congratulations, Thalia!
September 2023
David Kotlikoff joins the Bisson Lab for his first rotation​.
August 2023
Lab members Theopi Rados, Katie Andre, and Micaela Cerletti publish A sweet new set of inducible and constitutive promoters in Haloferax volcanii​ in Frontiers in Microbiology.
June 2023
Katie Andre is appointed as a fellow in Brandeis's Cross-disciplinary Molecular and Cellular Biology Training Grant.
May 2023
McKenna Walsh graduates Brandeis Magna Cum Laude with high departmental honors and a B.S. in Biology.​
Zhantao Du graduates with an M.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology. He'll be joining Ohio State's Pharmacology program in Fall 2023!
Katie Andre officially joins the Bisson Lab
Ashley Dodge and Jasmin Kwak both pass their qualifying exams and become doctoral candidates.
April 2023
Our lab publishes a paper on haloarchaeal promoters on BioRXiv. Congrats to Theopi, Katie, and Micaela!​
Our collaboration with the Pohlshroder Lab on cell shape determinants in Haloferax volcanii is published on BioRXiv. Congrats to Theopi and Jasmin!
March 2023
Our collaboration with the Garner Lab on salactin is published on BioRXiv. Congrats to John!
January 2023
Ryan Gossart joins the Bisson Lab for his third rotation​
Dr. Kiwi Dodge joins the lab as a Puppy Investigator
October 2022
Andrew Berardi joins the Bisson Lab for his second rotation​
August 2022
​Katie Andre joins the Bisson Lab for her first rotation
July 2022
​Sam Shuster joins the lab as a summer REU student​
Tyler Postal joins the lab as a summer MRSEC REU student
June 2022
Ashley Dodge and Jasmin Kwak officially join the lab​ as graduate students
Ashley Dodge is appointed as a fellow in Brandeis's Cross-disciplinary Molecular and Cellular Biology Training Grant
McKenna Walsh starts her Summer Materials Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Micaela Cerletti joins the lab as a visiting research scientist
May 2022​
Olivia passes her advanced exam and becomes a doctoral candidate​
April 2022​
Zach passes his advanced exam and becomes a doctoral candidate
March 2022​
Ashley Dodge joins the Bisson Lab for her fourth rotation
January 2022
Sayan Biswas and Maira Majano join the lab for rotations
December 2021
Izzy Andrus joins the Bisson Lab as a Lab Technician
Astrid Schneider joins the lab as the Digital Animator
Zhantao Du joins the Bisson Lab as a MCB MSc Student
November 2021
Jasmin Kwak joins the lab for her second rotation
October 2021
Olivia Leland joins the lab as a graduate student
August 2021
Nate Zaccardi joins the lab for his first rotation​
Mahika Gupta joins the lab as the new Lab Manager
June 2021
Undergraduates Emily Weis, McKenna Walsh, and Penelope Jacobson join the Bisson Lab
May 2021
​Zachary Curtis joins the lab as a graduate student
April 2021
Nathan defends his undergraduate thesis and graduates from Brandeis!
Steven Bruckbauer joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow
December 2020
September 2020
​Bisson Lab is awarded the Moore-Simons Project on the Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell, together with our collaborators Buzz Baum (MRC-LMB), Anja Spang (NIOZ), Laura Villanueva (NIOZ), and Sergey Ovchinnikov (Harvard). We will study cell-cell interaction among diverse archaeal species. More microscopes to archaeal cell biologists!
August 2020
NSF MRSEC awarded to Brandeis (Bisson Lab included) to study emergent bioinspired materials (more info).
June 2020
John Mallon joins the Bisson Lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
March 2020
​Nathan joins the lab for his Senior thesis.
November 2019
Theopi joins the Bisson lab! Our undergrads Isha and Susan join the Bisson Lab.
September 2019
Bisson Lab website is online!
May 2019
Alex accepted the offer from Brandeis University and will join the Biology Department this fall as Assistant Professor! The Bisson Lab is born!